How to...

Set up automatic periodic synchronization

Here is one way to automatically trigger the sync via a cron job. The sync will run in a separate process from your standard backend instances, so you must be using ZEO or RelStorage to allow multiple database connections.

  1. In the root of your buildout, create a file

    from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
    from AccessControl.SecurityManager import setSecurityPolicy
    from Testing.makerequest import makerequest
    from import PermissiveSecurityPolicy, OmnipotentUser
    from import BeforeTraverseEvent
    from zope.event import notify
    import transaction
    # Get our variables from buildout in order.
    site_path = '${site-path}'
    view_names = """${views}"""
    site_path = site_path.strip().strip('/')
    views = [v.strip() for v in view_names.split() if v.strip()]
    # Set up a generic manager user.
    newSecurityManager(None, OmnipotentUser().__of__(app.acl_users))
    # Set a request so that traversal succeeds.
    app = makerequest(app)
    # Fire a before traversal event so that browser layers get applied.
    site = app.restrictedTraverse(site_path)
    notify(BeforeTraverseEvent(site, site.REQUEST))
    # Try to open the views.
    for view in views:
            import traceback
  2. Add sections to buildout.cfg to install this script and run it via cron (be sure to replace path/to/site):

    parts =
    recipe = collective.recipe.template
    input = ${buildout:directory}/
    output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/
    site-path = path/to/site
    views =
    recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
    times = 00 1 * * *
    command = ${buildout:executable} ${buildout:bin-directory}/instance run ${buildout:directory}/etc/
  3. Run the buildout to install the cron job.

Sync a single object on demand

Go to the Salesforce Content control panel in Site Setup.

In the Salesforce object Id box, enter the Id of the Salesforce object you want to sync (you can obtain it from the URL when looking at the object in Salesforce). You must also select the content type corresponding to the Salesforce object type of the item.

Click Synchronize Now to sync the single item.

There is also an API to trigger this sync for a particular object from an external system (such as a button on an object in Salesforce). To set it up, go to the Configuration Registry and set a value for the collective.salesforce.content.sync_key key. Then you can run a sync via, e.g., http://path/to/plone/sf_sync?token=TOKEN&types:list=OBJTYPE&sf_object_id=ID where TOKEN is the sync key you configured, OBJTYPE is the Salesforce object type of the object you want to sync, and ID is its Salesforce Id.

Obtain the Salesforce Id of a Plone item

Use the behavior adapter:

from collective.salesforce.content.interfaces import ISalesforceObject
sf_object_id = ISalesforceObject(item).sf_object_id

This works as long as item is an item whose type has the ISalesforceObject behavior enabled.

Retrieve a Plone item by Salesforce Id

Query the sf_object_id catalog index:

from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
res = catalog.searchResults(sf_object_id=my_id)
if res:
    item = res[0].getObject()

Set up vocabularies based on Salesforce picklists

If you want to set up a Choice field using a vocabulary from Salesforce, you can use the SalesforcePicklist field instead:

<field name="experience" type="collective.salesforce.content.fields.SalesforcePicklist" sf:field="Experience__c">

The picklist values will be automatically retrieved from Salesforce when needed, and cached in the ZODB.

For a multi-select choice (Set of Choice) that obtains its vocabulary this way, use SalesforceMultiPicklist:

<field name="company_industry" type="collective.salesforce.content.fields.SalesforceMultiPicklist"

Perform custom actions when objects are synced, or no longer synced

Two events may be raised for an object during sync:

An object event that indicates that this object was not returned by Salesforce when its Dexterity type was synchronized.

There is an included, optional behavior which handles this event:

Causes an object to be published after it is updated from Salesforce during a sync.

An object event that indicates that this object was updated from Salesforce.

There are optional behaviors which handle this event:

Causes an item with this behavior to be deleted from Plone if it is not found during a Salesforce sync.
Causes an item to be rejected (in the workflow sense, i.e. made private) if it is not found during a Salesforce sync.

Sync objects in a particular order

Since the criteria directive is added to the end of the generated SOQL query, it can be abused to specify an ORDER BY clause. For example, this schema:

<schema sf:object="Contact" sf:criteria="ORDER BY Name"></schema>

would result in the following SOQL:


There is not currently any mechanism to control the order in which multiple content types using the ISalesforceObject behavior are synced, aside from triggering the sync multiple times specifying different sets of content types.